If you’d like to do your testing with me, click on the 'contact' tab at the top of my site, and send me the following info:
*the month you’d like to test (you have until Oct 1 of the next school year to finish this year's testing)- My contact pages lists where I have room to add new families.
*The name of each child who will be testing. Only children who were 7 or older at the start of the school year (Oct 1 is the cut off) need to test this year. And please list the children's names as you would like them printed on their scoring report for your official records.
*The grade each child is in, or would be in if they were in public school. This grade level has no impact on the test itself, but is used when calculating percentile rankings against a peer group.
I’ll add you to my monthly roster. Then you’ll get an email from me when I start setting actual appt dates/times for that month. You can list the Peabody Individual Achievement test on your reporting form with the school district, my name as your tester, and your home as the location for the testing. For the date, just list the month/year you selected.
You are under no obligation to test with me, so when it comes time to schedule appts for that month, if you have changed your mind you just reply to the email and ask to be removed from the list. This happens when kids enroll back in school or families move before the end of the school year, but any reason is fine.