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We can do workshops over skype. This can be arranged for your homeschool group, or for individuals. See my contact page for information on how to sign up or schedule a session. Here are the topics I'm available to cover:

Testing options-

Whether you’re choosing a test for the first time or trying to decide if there’s a better option for your children, this session can help. We’ll discuss the Mn requirement for annual testing (who needs to test and when) and the various tests that fulfill that requirement. We’ll also go over the pros and cons of the various forms of testing so that you can make the best choice for each child.

Tax deductions for MN homeschoolers-

Mn Income taxes allow deductions (and credits) for homeschooling expenses, but the ins and outs of those claims cause people some anxiety. In this session we’ll go over the various deductions and boost your confidence in your claim. You might be surprised to learn that most of your homeschool expenses qualify for deduction. It’s important you keep the right records and provide your tax preparer with all they need to file on your behalf. Bring your questions and get the answers you need.

Creative Curriculum ideas for grade school-

You don’t have to be tied to textbooks for every subject. Even if you feel better using your textbook as a guide, you’ll find strategies here that will ignite the explorer in your child. Learning, at its best, should include a sense of discovery for your child. We’ll discuss ways to bring that to your homeschool experience.

Creative Curriculum ideas for teens-

Even with older students, you don’t have to base all learning on textbooks. This session will cover lots of options for learning beyond the books and ideas for career exploration. We’ll also chat about tips for PSEO classes.

How to help a child who struggles (reading, math or spelling)-

If the basics don’t come easily for your child or there seems to be a higher need for repetition, join us for some new ideas. Strategies for reluctant learners, those with math anxiety or children with a known disability. It always helps to have a few tricks up your sleeve.


Getting Started/ Intro to Homeschooling in MN-

Whether you’re just thinking about homeschooling or are facing your first year of reporting to your district, this session will get you squared away. We’ll go over the requirements for homeschoolers and your options within the requirements. We’ll also have time for your questions.


Portfolios: Recordkeeping for all ages-

Don’t be daunted by the idea of recordkeeping! This fun, user-friendly and kid-friendly process makes recordkeeping a breeze. It can also have some powerful effects with family and friends. Come to this session to learn more about Portfolio Magic!


What about Preschool?

With the push for all day kindergarten and preschool for all, it’s easy to get worried about the preschool years as a homeschooler. In this session we’ll talk about “preschool skills” (there’s a checklist) and how to include preschool in your everyday homeschooling work.


One Room Schoolhouse-

Stressed about how to juggle multiple grade level learning with multiple children?? Worry no more! This session will lay out strategies (just pick what works for you!) that adapt to your children and accommodate each child’s strengths and weaknesses. You’ll also realize that you knew this all along!

Homeschool workshops

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